Meaning Of Harry Potter's Magic

The Harry Potter freaks would already know what will happen if we held up the wand and cried, "Avada Kedavra!". Or spell what to say if we want to open a locked door ("Alohomora!").

Harry Potter

 But once the meditation is not it, if J.K. Rowling, creator of Harry Potter, it was not long spells make aja? All magic spells are used at Hogwarts turns out there alias origin origins, which on average comes from the Latin.

Mantra is used to call the goods. "Accio glasses", and glasses will be flying at you. And so on. The word 'Accio' was derived from the Latin meaning 'I called. "

Avada Kedavra
The most evil spells that can kill your opponent. Harry Potter's parents were killed by this spell. In Aramaic, 'Avada Kedavra' means 'I will of destroy as I speak'. It reads like 'Abracadabra', which is an ancient spell of the second century which is often used to summon spirits and ask for protection.

It also spells bad that is usually used for torture. In Latin, 'Crucio' means 'my torture'.
Expecto patronum Producing the Patronus Charm, the only creature that can repel dementors. Again, this mantra is taken from the Latin 'expecto' which means 'wait / hope', and 'Patronus' which means 'protector'. So more or less expecto patronum it means 'wait protector'.

It's ya mainstay of Harry Potter spells during battle. Its function is to release the wand from the hand of the enemy. Taken from the Latin 'expellere' which means' out or let go ', and' arma 'which means' guns. "
Impedimenta 'Impedimenta' in Latin meaning 'barrier'. This mantra is usually used to create obstacles for the sake of slowing down enemy movement.

 'Lumos' means 'light'. Mantra is used if the end of a wand would make us like a lit candle.
Rictusempra 'Sempra' comes from the word 'sempre' which means 'always', while 'rictum' means an open mouth or jaw. Rictusempra is used to make enemies so constantly laughing.

This is precisely the opposite of rictusempra. The effect was not laughing, but the wounds, because in Latin, 'sectum' means 'to injure or harm'.

It's also one of the mantras that are often used during the war, because the effect is not hurt. Just make a confused and dazed wrote. Fair does, because in English, 'Stupefy' means 'daze'.

Wingardium Leviosa
This is one mantra that is taught at Hogwarts students in the first year. Its function is to create an object to be lifted in the air. Originally he says is a combination of English and Latin.
Wingardium derived from the wing (in English) which means the wings, and arduus (Latin) which means the sky. While Leviosa comes from the Latin, levare, which means the lift or take.