Bulimia nervosa

Bulimia nervosa is a serious eating disorder and potentially life-threatening. People with bulimia nervosa may drink and laxatives, eating large amounts of food and then try to eliminate the extra calories in a way that is not true. For example, a person with bulimia forcing herself to vomit or exercise excessively.

If you have bulimia nervosa, you may be dissatisfied with the shape and weight and assess yourself excessively will lack you.

Since this is related to the self-view is not just about food-bulimia nervosa can be difficult to overcome. But the treatment of bulimia nervosa can effectively help you feel more confident, use traditional healthy diet and eliminate serious complications.


Symptoms of bulimia include:

• Feeling you can not control your eating habits

• Eat up to the point you feel pain or discomfort

• Forcing yourself to vomit after eating

• Excessive Exercise

• Misuse of laxative, diuretics or enemas

• Not satisfied with the shape and weight

• Looked at negatively shape your body to excess

• Go to the bathroom after meals

• abnormal bowel function

• Damage to teeth and gums

• Swelling of the salivary glands in the cheeks

• Inflammation of the throat and mouth

• Dehydration

• irregular heartbeat

• Inflammation, wound or dry skin on the wrist or hand

• irregular or missing menstrual periods (amenorrhea)

• Depression

• Restlessness

When you have bulimia, you may routinely be vomiting or excessive exercise after a meal. Sometimes those with bulimia feel the need to bring food even after eating only snacks.

Causes & Risk Factors


The exact cause of bulimia is unknown. Just like other mental disorders, there are many factors that may play a role occurrence of eating disorders, such as genes, certain habits, psychological disorders and the influence of family and community:

• biologic. Genes may make some people more susceptible to eating disorders. Those with first-degree family relationships siblings or parents with eating disorders may experience it too. It is also possible is the lack of substance in the brain chemical serotonin plays a role here.

• certain habits, such as diet or exercise excessively can contribute to having bulimia. For example, the diet is the primary reason as a trigger.

• Emotional Health. Those with eating disorders may have emotional problems that contribute to this problem. Those with low self-esteem, perfectionism, impulsive, difficult to manage anger, conflict in the family and relationship problems become susceptible to this problem.

• Environment. Western cultures often associate success with a thin body, It is also supported by the notion that developed in the peers and the mass media. This happens especially vulnerable young girl.

Risk factors

Certain situations and events may increase the risk of eating disorders. Risk factors include:

• Women

• Aged adolescence and early adulthood

• Heredity

• Excessive Diet

• Influence families critique on the shape and weight

• Emotional Disturbance

• Sports, work and artistic activities that need thin and ideal


There is no sure way to prevent bulimia. In addition, parents can set an example of healthy living to children regardless of their shape or weight. Make sure you do not innuendo or jokes related to body size, shape or weight of your child.

If you find a family member or friend with low confidence, a severe diet, wrong eating habits or are dissatisfied with their appearance so talk to them about this issue. Although you may not coined the ability to prevent this problem occurs, do you think a person can follow to live a healthy life or willing to undergo treatment before the situation worsens.