
Bronchitis is an inflammation of your bronchial pipes, pipe serves to channel air to and from the heart. Bronchitis can be acute or chronic.

General conditions of acute bronchitis the condition often develops from a cold or other respiratory infection. While chronic bronchitis is more serious condition, this condition is a constant irritation or inflammation of the bronchial tube and is often caused by smoking.

Acute bronchitis usually improves within a few days without sparing effect, although you may continue to cough in a few weeks. However if you have recurrent bronchitis condition, you may experience chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis is one of the conditions associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Treatment for bronchitis focuses on relieving symptoms and facilitate airway.


Signs and symptoms of both acute and chronic bronchitis, among others:

• Cough

• The presence of mucus, both colorless, white or yellow-green

• Shortness of breath, worsening even while exerting little effort

• shortness of breath

• Tired

• Mild fever and chills

• Discomfort in the chest

If you have acute bronchitis, you may have a cough that persists in a few weeks after the bronchitis recovered. However bronchitis symptoms can be confusing. You can not have mucus when you have bronchitis, and children often swallow the mucus so that the parents may not be able to figure it out. There may have chronic bronchitis without first experiencing acute bronchitis. As well as many smokers who have to clean the mucus in the throat in the morning when waking from sleep, which if it continues for more than three months then maybe he was having chronic bronchitis.

If you have chronic bronchitis, inflammation in the long-term lead pipe bronchila injured and produce too much mucus. Eventually the pipe wall will be thickened bronchial airway and you can get hurt. Signs and symptoms of chronic bronchitis also can be:

• Cough that worsens in the morning and in damp weather

• Frequent respiratory infections (such as colds and flu) with a worsening cough with phlegm

If you have chronic bronchitis, you can have a period in which the signs and symptoms will worsen. At that time you can have a well-padded acute bronchitis due to bacteria and viruses in addition to your chronic bronchitis.

Causes & Risk Factors


Acute Bronchitis.

Cold viruses often cause acute bronchitis. But you can also have non-infectious bronchitis due to exposure to cigarette smoke and other pollutants such as dust.

Bronchitis can also occur when stomach acid up into the esophagus often, the condition is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). And workers exposed to dust or fumes may experience some bronchitis. Acute bronchitis usually disappear when no longer exposed to irritants.

Chronic Bronchitis

Sometimes inflammation and thickening of the bronchial wall pipe into permanent conditions known as chronic bronchitis. You generally consider that you have chronic bronchitis if you cough every day lost established after three months of the year in two consecutive years.

Unlike acute bronchitis, chronic bronchitis persists and is a serious disease. Smoking is the major cause, but air pollution and dust or toxic gases in the environment or workplace also can contribute to this disease.

Risk factors

Factors that increase the risk of bronchitis include:

• Smoking

• The immune system is weak, it can be due to recovering from an illness or other conditions that make the immune system becomes weak

• The condition in which stomach acid up into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux disease)

• Exposure to irritants, such as pollution, smoke or dust


Measures that can help reduce the risk of bronchitis and protect your lungs in general are:

• Avoid smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke

• Avoid those who are sick colds or flu

• Wash your hands regularly

• Use a mask to reduce the risk of infection