Stop Smoking Tips

Quitting smoking is actually easy. However, it takes a very strong commitment to defend the will and determination.

For those of you who want to quit smoking, the experience of the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK) Jimly Asshiddiqie may be inspired. Jimly is a former smoker. Now he has stopped completely and intend to leave the habit of smoking for good.

Jimly said, determination and a desire to quit smoking many times appeared in him. But due to environmental influences, such determination can collapse easily. Recognition of the environmental factors are barriers that often undermine one's intention to quit smoking.

"I quit smoking five times. Yet behind smoking again because of the influence of friends," said the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court (MK), Jimly Asshiddiqie on Inauguration S Clinic in Jakarta, Wednesday (06/05/2013).

Average of about 3 months after stopping, Jimly decided to return to smoking. Intention to quit actually been sparked since 1995. But the intention is only really be done in 1998. Until now had 14 years Jimly smoke-free. "The most important find momentum.  Make it stop part of the history of life," said the man who was born 17 April 1956 Palembang this.

In addition to looking for momentum, Jimly advised to stop smoking those who intend to seek a more supportive environment. Environment is one of the critical success factors. Strong motivation is also needed if we are trapped in an environment filled with smokers.

"If smoking environment, we will easily be affected. Survive should not be affected as much as possible," adding.

He also suggested to look for a new activity as a counterweight. Look busy and different environments. "As far as possible find something to do to fill the void. Environment different from the everyday will also broaden the importance of quitting smoking," adding.

Jimly say, a smoker will have a million reasons to allow his actions. Various busyness will deter people to create those reasons. Jimly said, from a variety of tips to maintain a commitment to be the main one. He said he did not take long to stop smoking.

"I quit smoking May 20, 1998, concurrent fall of former president Suharto. Currently decided to quit, I immediately do not smoke cigarettes," adding.

Smoking reduction piecemeal does not apply to him. This is because entrenched commitment. Currently Jimly said he was very healthy. "Unlike when I was smoking. Now the body feels more comfortable, fresh, and mouth does not smell of cigarettes," adding.