Prevent Diarrhea Can Reduce Child Mortality Rate

One of the diseases caused by lack of hygiene is diarrhea. This disease is caused by food or drink that is not clean. In addition, a disease that causes infection in the body is one of the most common diseases in children during the first 1,000 days of life.

"Now is usually the most common infectious diseases are respiratory infections and diarrhea. Diarrhea and ARI is related to the environment," said Dr. Endang L. Achadi, MPH, Dr.pH when talking with detikhealth and written on Thursday (04/18/2013).

Dr. Endang revealed that infection and malnutrition are always coupled. According to people who are sick do not usually want to eat that eventually malnutrition and lower durability. Conversely if the infection attack as hard as the people who live in a dirty environment, it will also attack his endurance so inevitably durability will decrease.

In a seminar entitled Public Private Partnership to Support Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement Improvement Through Nutrition Status in 1000 Day One Life, Country Director Micronutrient Initiative (MI) dr Elvina Naidoo, MSc, PhD, also shared her experience.

The seminar was held at the Convention Center, University of Indonesia School of Public Health, University of Indonesia, Depok. He said that in Indonesia is still very much a regional high infant mortality due to diarrhea. One is Lombok.

"In Lombok, we give prevention in uninfected children diarrhea, with zinc and ORS administration simultaneously use for 10 days, and is very effective," said Dr. Elvina.

In the provinces of East and West Lombok, according to Dr. Elvina, child mortality rates are still high, around 32:100.000. Therefore, MI as one NGO coƶperate and conduct programs supporting health since 2006.

On the same occasion the Director Indonesian Nutrition Foundation for Food Fortification Prof. (Em) Soekirman, MPS-ID added that diarrhea can be prevented and suppressed in a simple way. "By teaching children to wash hands before meals can prevent diarrhea," said Prof. Soekirman.

However, hand washing must be done properly. "Not by water only, but washing hands with soap," he concluded.

Wash hands with soap reduces diarrhea is known by 30 percent. Well, reduced cases of diarrhea in children also reduce mortality and accounts for its high nutrition