Healthy fetus Because Qualified Nutrition

Every pregnant woman would crave for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby later anyway. Therefore, pregnant women need to maintain their own health and the fetus throughout pregnancy. One of them, having regard to nutritional needs. Yes, anything that is consumed, will affect the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus itself.

Therefore, pregnant women need to adjust your diet properly. Choose a healthy diet with a variety of foods that contain diverse nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. That's the key to a nutritionally balanced diet.

In general, there are three main benefits of nutrition in pregnancy, namely:

1. As an energy source for pregnant women and fetuses

2. Help growth, tissue repair and organ

3. Protect pregnant women from infection and disease, helping adequately functioning of all systems, including the fetus.

When a pregnant woman shortages of food intake, it is feared pose a risk to themselves and the baby later. For example, impaired fetal growth or preterm birth. Therefore, pregnant women need to meet nutritional needs.

Here are some nutrients that should be met during pregnancy so that the fetus can develop either:


During the first trimester of pregnancy, calorie intake should be increased 180 kcal per day. Then, during the second and third trimester of pregnancy calorie intake plus 300 kcal. Approximately 55% of calories coming from carbohydrates, 35% from vegetable and animal fats, 10% from protein and the rest of the vegetables and fruits.


Pregnant women need 60 grams of protein per day. Source of animal protein could be obtained from meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs. Vegetable protein can be obtained from tofu, tempeh, butter, nuts, and more. Protein is needed as a source of calories, and blood cell formation, the development of new cells in the fetus and also for the formation of all regulatory materials such as maternal and fetal hormones.


Essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) are very important for fetal brain development. Food is a source of omega-3 can be obtained from vegetables, meat, and eggs. While omega-6 sources of soy, tuna, sardines, mackerel, and salmon.


Different types of vitamins are also needed by pregnant women such as:

- Vitamin A, contribute to the growth of teeth and bones, skin maintenance, functioning eyes, hair, and also prevent congenital abnormalities.

- Vitamin B1. Pregnant women need vitamin B1 intake of at least 1.4 mg per day. This vitamin is essential for improving energy and also regulate the nervous system.

- Vitamin B2. Of at least 1.4 mg of vitamin B2 pregnant women required per day to maintain energy, maintain healthy skin and eyes. Intake of vitamin B2 can be obtained from meat, dairy products, eggs and fish.

- Vitamin B12. Was instrumental to neural development and function of the fetal brain.

- Vitamin C. This vitamin facilitates the absorption of iron, maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Vitamin C is quite useful to get an ideal weight at birth and the lower the risk of premature birth. Vitamin C is contained in many fruits and vegetables fresh.

- Vitamin D. This vitamin is useful for bone formation because it helps the absorption of calcium.

- Vitamin E. Pregnant women are advised to consume foods rich in vitamin E as much as 15 mg per day to help the body form red blood cells and use as well as muscle. Vitamin E is found in many grains, nuts, vegetable oils, spinach and cereal.

In addition, pregnant women still need the adequacy of other substances such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, fluorine, iodine, sodium, and fiber to meet the nutritional needs either for himself or for the unborn fetus. For example:


Pregnant women need 30 mg of iron per day or double the usual. Iron is necessary for blood formation, preventing anemia. Iron supplementation is necessary start the 20th week of pregnancy, especially when pregnant women exhibit signs of anemia. Contained a lot of iron in beef and spinach. This iron produces blood reserves.

Folic Acid

A few weeks before pregnancy and in early pregnancy, the embryo / fetus requires folic acid. In the first trimester it takes an additional 400 micrograms of folic acid per day. Folic acid is needed for the formation of the nervous system and cells, to prevent abnormalities in the brain and spinal cord. M any of folic acid found in brown rice, green vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and fruits such as oranges, bananas, carrots, and tomatoes.


Pregnant women need 1,000 mg of calcium per day to maintain the growth of bones and teeth, muscle contraction and nervous system. Adequate calcium intake may reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia, which is a serious problem that leads to complications during pregnancy. Addition of calcium is also necessary to maintain bone density and prevent osteoporosis.

Pregnant women need at least 1,500 mg of calcium each day. Calcium-rich foods such as tofu, green leafy vegetables can be a solution to meet the need of calcium every day. In addition it is also good to consume dairy and almonds.

Importance of Milk

One of the important intake of pregnant women consumed is milk. Milk is rich in nutrients that are needed by the body. Milk is rich in carbohydrates, fats, protein, calcium and vitamins and minerals are manifold. Pregnant women should consume at least two glasses of milk a day. Nutritional content and benefits of milk, can generally be divided into several parts: proteins, fats and vitamins.

Milk protein can provide amino acids to form the main body tissues and build up the body's cells. Protein also serves to increase stamina and enhance the body immunity.

The fat in milk is liquid and very easy to digest.

While elements of vitamins contained in milk, such as vitamin A and liquid contained in the fat. Vitamin A is another role in skin care and mucous membrane health, because he is a bulwark against viruses and microbes. In addition to vitamin A milk also contains vitamin D which is the main element that plays an important role in the body and work together with mineral and calcium, in the formation of bone tissue.