How to Prevent Your Child From Obesity

Cases of obesity in children worldwide is likely to increase from year to year. In Indonesia alone, cases of obesity in children increased by 15-20 percent per year. This condition is very worrying, given the Indonesian children still separated from other health problems, the lack of nutrition.

As we know, obesity in children can affect the child's health in later life. The risk of dangerous diseases like stroke, heart attack, and diabetes are also stalking the children who are obese.

How to measure child obesity?

How to measure obesity in children one of which is by using a table of BMI (body mass index). This method is not used as a common standard for determining obesity in children. However, some experts argued that the weight of children in the top 20 percent of healthy weight, then the child can be categorized as obese.

Another way is to measure the percentage of body fat in children. A boy said to be obese if you have a body fat percentage above 25 percent. As for the girls in the top 32 percent.

The majority of overweight and obesity is due to overeating. It is classified in primary obesity. The rest is, diseases or disorders caused by hormonal or genetic disorders that are categorized in the secondary obesity.

Several factors can affect the rising cases of obesity in children include:

- Advances in technology designed to make life easier and more entertaining
- Access to high-calorie foods and high fat easier
- Modern leisure activities such as playing games, computer and watching TV
- Advertising of fast food and other unhealthy foods that attract children
- Living in a dense environment and limitations of play area
- An unhealthy lifestyle which inherited the parents

But one bright hopes have been raised in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Although obesity is a major cause of death, but obesity in children can be prevented to protect them from the risk of disease and premature death.

Diets that child Avoided Obesity

Diet is one that is applied during childhood is very difficult to change the age of the child to teenager to adult. Therefore, it is very important to teach our children about good habits early in their lives.

Here are some healthy eating tips that you can apply in children:

- Be a role model and give an example to your children eat healthy food culture at home
- Use your authority to control the food being cooked and purchased your family
- Encourage your child to live a life that is healthy does not just focus on weight loss alone.
- Always prepare healthy meals and snacks at home
- Give your child healthy food before going to the mall
- Do not let your child spend on food while watching television
- Do not use traditional food as a reward or reward

In addition, you can also introduce some mild exercise such as brisk walking or jogging to your children. The higher level of activity of the children, the more calories you burn and the greater the chances of your child to be free from obesity.