Healthy Diet and Live Longer

The goal of a healthy diet is not only limited to weight loss to keep your body slim. Moreover, a healthy diet aimed at maintaining your overall health and increase your chances of living longer.

Experts suggest, if you want to look younger, then one correct solution is to run a healthy diet. Well, like what a healthy diet, here are some tips to run a healthy diet so that you are young and likely to live longer.

1. Choose A Color

Fruit or vegetable that has bright colors generally contain antioxidants. Antioxidants are chemicals in food that gives bright red light on the tomatoes, the lush green broccoli, various color blue in blueberries, and dark purple skin on the eggplant.

More importantly, they are compounds that continue to prevent the emergence of stripes on the face and keep cholesterol from clogging your arteries. This super nutrient neutralize cell-damaging free radicals, which have been associated with aging, from wrinkles to cancer and heart disease.

Each antioxidants can solve different problems, the best solution is to get everything. The easiest way to do this is to eat fruits and vegetables have a lot of colors, where each color has its own health benefits.

2. Select Monounsaturated Fats

Monounsaturated fats are found in olive oil, fish, nuts and seeds have been shown to reduce the risk of many age-related diseases, such as arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer and even Alzheimer's.

So if you still have an aversion to the word 'fat', it is time to forget it. It is also beneficial to your appearance. More and more omega-3 (found mostly in fish like salmon) you consume, the less risk you experience skin damage associated with aging.

3. A little Red Wine

Well with the consumption of fresh red grapes and red wine to drink one glass of red wine or about four times a week in small amounts has been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks, diabetes and other life-threatening diseases. This is one of the benefits of red wine are rich in flavonoids, a powerful antioxidant derived from the skin of red grapes.

4. Drinking Green Tea

Equipped with powerful antioxidants called catechins, green tea could be the best anti-aging substances you can put in your cup. Drink one cup a day will reduce the risk of high blood pressure by 46%.

5. Maintain Weight Loss

Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health found that women who had weight during adult life is not much different from when they were 18 had a 66% lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and gallstones compared to women who experienced weight gain of 5-6 kg at the age of the middle of it.

Beyond all the effort you put in, the hormone that helps keep your muscles will decrease with age.

To that end, offset your healthy diet with exercise routines and get enough rest at night for optimal health and longevity.