7 Habits to Prevent Diabetes Risk

Diabetes is a chronic disease which can reduce the quality of life of sufferers. However, the actual risk of diabetes can be managed by leading a healthy lifestyle.

Here are the habits that can reduce the risk of diabetes.

1. Lifting weights

According to a new study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, increase muscle mass can reduce insulin resistance and reduce the risk of developing prediabetes. The researchers found 10 percent of any additional muscle mass, pre-diabetes risk dropped by 12 percent.

Professor of exercise science at Old Dominion University Sheri Colberg-Ochs suggests adding resistance training into your exercise schedule three days a week. Besides doing well at least two and a half hours per week for a calorie-burning cardio exercises such as running, cycling, or swimming.

2. Enough sleep

Long-term sleep deprivation can lead to insulin resistance, especially for those who are at a higher risk of diabetes. A preliminary study from the University of Chicago found that people who sleep less than six hours per day had the highest risk of diabetes.

3. Consumption of fiber

Fiber is not only good for digestion, but also good to slow down glucose in the bloodstream. So if you want to eat sweet, try the sweet fruits such as pears as well as fiber. Also, try brown rice as your carbohydrate source. A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine said that eating two or more servings of brown rice per week can reduce the risk of diabetes by 11 percent.

4. Avoid stress

Chronic stress is a risk factor of many diseases, including diabetes. It is related to the stress hormone cortisol, which can increase blood sugar levels. Reducing stress can be done by practicing breathing, listening to soft music, or get a massage.

5. Consumption of omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish such as salmon and sardines can help improve insulin sensitivity. Consume at least one serving per week.

6. Consumption of vitamin D

Vitamin D may be a key factor against diabetes. The study, published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that people who consume enough vitamin D are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. Consumption of 1000 to 2000 IU of vitamin D per day through dairy products, fish, or supplements.

7. Consumption of cinnamon

A study in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine revealed that cinnamon can reduce blood sugar levels. Cinnamon is rich in nutrients called polyphenols which helps insulin to work more effectively.