Force Feeding, Cause of Children Difficult to Eat

Most mothers fear their children are lacking nutrition if his son did not want to eat, so the mother will 'force' children to eat. Forcing a child to eat or force feeding unconsciously, this way it makes the child think eating is an activity that sucks.

"Eating is one way that children get the nutrients he needs, if the child does not want to eat the first step that must be done by the mother is finding out the cause," said Dr. Elvina Naidoo, M.Sc, Ph.D, SpGK, an expert nutrition, in the event Nutritalk: Kids love Grow on Early Nutrition, held in Goela Flower Restaurant, Plaza Sentral, Jalan Sudirman, Jakarta, Tuesday (05/21/2013).

Followed by Dr. Elvina, if the cause is due to the food menu is not liked by kids, for example vegetables, then the mother should get around to slowly introduce the 'feel' of the vegetables.

"For example, children like other foods, try to insert some kind of vegetable in it. With so children will get used to the taste of vegetables. If directly given in the form of intact, it is likely the child will be refused because he was not familiar with it," added Dr. Elvina.

In addition, if the child is willing to eat only if given while playing or walking around, according to Dr. Elvina no problem as long as no harm herself. For example, when taking children to eat in the garden or front porch do not forget to note the child's activity. If the child is too much running, it could choke children.

Another way to do this is to invite children to prepare food with, for example, taking children grocery shopping to the market. Even if possible, encourage children to plant different types of vegetables. That way, the child will be more appreciative of food.

"There are many ways that mothers can do to make kids want to eat. Forcing a child to eat a menu that is not a solution at all," UJA Dr. Elvina, who is currently also active as a Director of the Indonesian Micronutrient Initiative (MII).

Eating can be a fun activity for children if done right and still pay attention to what is desired by the child.

"In establishing eating habits, has been frequently used as a child object and must like the food given their parents, but were not told why children should eat these foods.'s Also one of the factors the child so it's hard to eat," said Arif Mujahidin, Head of Corporate Sarihusada Affairs Division, in the same event.