More Care for Parkinson

Increased life expectancy make elderly population soared. Consequences that accompany it such as an increasing number of degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease. In RSCM Jakarta, the disease is ranked in the top 10 most common diseases suffered.

Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological impairment diseases that cause disability movement is deteriorating and increasingly disturbing because it happens in the long run. The older the age of a person, the more prone he is suffering from Parkinson's. Generally, this disease occurs in people aged over 50 years, but Parkinson's can also occur in people who are younger.

Patients with Parkinson's pretty much in Indonesia. In RSCM Jakarta alone every month there are 40 to 50 patient visits Parkinson's, and there are 3 new cases. In the world to figure this disease reaches 4 million people.

Hospital neurologist Dr. PMI Bogor. Banon Sukoandari, Sp.S say, Parkinson's disease has dimensions of clinical symptoms is extensive so greatly affects quality of life of persons and their families.

"Although not a deadly disease, Parkinson's can reduce the quality of life for people with because the longer they may not be able to do what others can do, particularly those associated with the movement," said Banon in Education Media Forum titled "Art Parkinson: My Family and Thursday (11/04/2013) in Jakarta yesterday.

Although actually difficult to diagnose, there are four main symptoms of Parkinson's. The most common symptom is a very well known resting tremor, which is shaking uncontrollably-usually occur on the hands or feet when things break.

In addition, many patients who experience muscle rigidity (stiffness of the limbs), bradykinesia (slowed movements), impaired walking (walking chaotic), and changes in posture (balance disorder).

To increase public awareness about Parkinson's disease, the Parkinson Care Foundation Indonesia (YPPI) with the Association of Indonesian Doctors Neurologist (PERDOSSI) and PT Roche Indonesia held a seminar open to the public, including Parkinson's patients and their families. The seminar will be held on 28 April 2013 in SMESCO Building at 09:00 to 12:00.

"With increasing public awareness of the expected quality of life for people with the better because support for them continues to improve," said Chairman of the YPPI.