Consume Enough Calcium Prevent Kidney Stones

Experts say, the amount of calcium that we have received from both dairy and non-dairy major influence on the occurrence of kidney stones. People who get enough calcium turns out risk of kidney stones lower.

Kidney stones occur due to the buildup of waste products in the urine which will eventually form into crystals so difficult expelled through the exhaust system. Symptoms of kidney stones include pain in the lower back, there were spots of blood in the urine, dizziness, fever, vomiting up.

Experts believe that kidney stones can be caused by various factors, such as obesity, too much consume foods containing sugar and salt, to aging, to lack of drinking water.

In a study published in the Journal of Urology, researchers measured levels of calcium in the diet both dairy and non-dairy and its relation to lower the risk of kidney stones.

Dr. Eric Taylor from the Maine Medical Center in Portland led the study to analyze three different studies, the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, the Nurses Health Study I and the Nurses Health Study II.

The study join more than one million healthy men and women aged under 60 years old for 20 years. Every four years the participants were asked to fill out a survey on the frequency of consuming a particular food to determine calcium intake.

The study participants were divided into five groups depending on how much calcium intake. The group with the highest calcium intake showed a 77 percent reduced risk of kidney stones compared with low calcium intake group.

Men and women who every day mengasup 450 milligrams of calcium from non-dairy products suggests it is better to avoid the risk of kidney stones. Those who mengasup 800 milligrams of calcium per day from dairy products only reduce the risk by up to 30 percent, compared with those who received 150 milligrams of calcium.

"There are some other data that says there should be no restriction of calcium to prevent kidney stones. Though most stones that form in the kidney made of calcium oxalate, we need not fear mengasup calcium," says Taylor.