Energy Drinks Can Trigger Hypertension

Consuming energy drinks can instantly refresh the body. However, in fact this drink has dangerous side effects, such as hypertension.

The results of the University Medical Center in New Jersey have shown that people who consume energy drinks can have high blood pressure. This is because taking an energy drink containing caffeine overload, the equivalent of three to four caffeine in a cup of coffee.

The related explanation, it is supported also by Dr. Robert Tozzi, chief of pediatric cardiology at Hackensack, New Jersey. He said, "Energy drinks are very unsafe and do not increase your work productivity." Furthermore, he also said that the fresh water is the best fluid for human body in addition to be supported with fruits green vegetables. According to him, it is the best magnesium source that useful for muscle relaxation throughout the body, thereby reducing aches and cramps. As reported by Fox News.

Then, in relation to these findings, Tozzi said drinking orange juice or eating a piece of orange is another way to refresh the body. This is because the properties of grapefruit can increase the blood flow to all the muscles of the body. And it's not available in energy drinks.

Conclusion of the study explains, "excessive caffeine energy drinks are not the only hazardous materials. However, the energy drink is also packed with a lot of sugar, preservatives, and stimulant medication. "