So how then? And you also do not want him to hurt himself.But the name is broken up, there's nothing not painful is not it?All you can do is make it a little 'civilized'. The trick? Do a few things below:
1. Make preparationsDeciding affair certainly not a sudden decision, so take some time to prepare your decision is. Because the better your preparation, the less likely you are affected emotionally.Parties decided, would be sad and most likely will cry.Prepare also terse response and can be accepted by him, when he asked the reason.
2. Make it the first to knowUsually before making this decision, you will ask and ask for consideration of the closest friends. But that does not mean they should notify your spouse. Respect your partner and tell me your decision, before someone else told him.
3. Face to face is the bestIt's easier to say good bye over the phone, email or SMS. But you would know if how it will make you seem timid, especially for your partner. And usually, will not be easy for couples to create friendships or opportunities, if it turns out you change your mind. To avoid karma, for example diputusin boyfriend through Friendster or Facebook, you should respect the partner with states in face to face.
4. Find the best timingDisconnect, it can take a right. Do not say goodbye when you are both celebrating birthdays, anniversaries or events that should be fun. The best day to say the word break is Friday, because today is the last day of work. Thus, it can 'eliminate self' on Saturday and Sunday to cool off from the world 'outside'.
5. Find the right locationAnother important thing to think about, is to choose the right place to say the word 'broken'. Find a neutral location without an atmosphere that has sentimental value for you both, as well as a profitable place to avoid the curious stares of others. For example in a restaurant that was not too crowded, so if there are tears coming out, you will not feel ashamed. The location was somewhat remote and quiet, for example at the mall or park, in the hours that certainly was not too crowded.
6. Select the appropriate sentence when he saidTo avoid the wrong impression, tell your thoughts and decisions that are clear, honest and simple. Tell how your pain in making this decision, let him know if you suffer too, and if not you who issued the decision. Without having to blame himself, let him know what problems you're experiencing and saying that this decision may be the best for both of you. It's not the wrong thing when you have hope in a relationship, but ties the two hearts will not work when it is no longer bound by a sense of love. Avoid lying to avoid feeling hurt, otherwise, tell me honestly with the sentence that the grammar carefully.Consider carefully every word you, because on other occasions you will probably meet again with him.
7. Let him master the situationWhen terminated, the reaction of different people, from laughter to tears, some accept it with a serious face or like a non-believer. Give him time to understand the situation, then let him express his feelings (if he wants). Although he understands what you mean, sometimes he wished you change your mind and give a chance to rectify the situation.Answer if you have thought carefully and the decision was unanimous. It would be much better, than let the unpleasant relations continuously. If necessary, let him decide when the conversation is considered complete.
8. A day after word brokeEx-girlfriend you would try to convince you to get back together for a few days ahead. If indeed there is any good or that must be completed, finish as soon as possible and avoid returning to a situation like you two are still together.