Mouth Ulcers and its causes

Mouth Ulcers have painful sores inside the mouth. It appears on the lips,inside the cheeks,bottom of the lips. The mouth ulcers are generally caused by many reason. Here I describe its causes.

*Food allergies.
*Nutrition deficiency such as iron,vitamin C and B12.
*Hormonal imbalance.
*Skin and bowel disease.
*Hand foot mouth syndrome.
*Poor oral hygiene.
*Viral infection.
*Some kind of oral injuries.
*Reaction to certain drugs.
*Syphilis infection.
*Autoimmune diseases.
*Certain diseases including tuberculosis,AIDS,diabetes and inflammatory bowel.
*Cancer of the lip.
*Herpes simplex viral infection.
*Burn from eating hot food.
*Constant rubbing against misaligned or sharp teeth.
*Constant rubbing against dentures or braces.
*Accident biting on cheek.