Diabetes , particularly type 2 , is no longer a disease that is only experienced by parents . Even now widely found children who are experiencing symptoms of prediabetes or type 2 diabetes to the brink .
Heredity and lifestyle are two major factors determining a person's risk of developing the disease . However , often times people underestimate the risk factors because they think he is still young .
" Age is only one of many risk factors that exist , more lifestyle affect the likelihood of a person developing diabetes , " said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health Ministry of Health Tjandra Yoga Aditama in SOHO # BetterU discussion titled " Diabetes , ' State ' Third Largest world " , in Jakarta , Thursday ( 14/11/2013 ) .
With regard trivial risk factors , it's no wonder more and more people who are affected by diabetes in a relatively young age , which is between the age of 20-30 years . Thus , according to Tjandra , everyone needs to recognize the risks they have to prevent the disease .
Specialist in internal medicine , Roy Panusunan Sibarani , say , if the mother has diabetes , the risk of a person's experience also is seventh . Meanwhile , if the father who experienced it , the risk is slightly smaller at 1/13 .
" Heredity can indeed increase the risk , but if a person lead a healthy lifestyle , he could get rid of diabetes , " said the former president Diabetes Association of Indonesia ( Persadia ) this .
Lifestyle factors consist of unhealthy diet , smoking , lack of exercise and moving habits , and use of illegal drugs . A person can be free from the risk of diabetes if changing these habits into healthier habits .
According to Roy , it is important to do is to test blood sugar . Through these indicators , we can know a person's current condition , already in the normal category , prediabetes , or diabetes .
"We already know the risk factors you have, then that is what determines the period of the test to be done . For one risk factor , someone needs to do a test once a year , two risk factors tests twice a year and so on , " said Roy , who served as Chief of Clinical Education diabetes Hospital Pantai Indah Kapok this .
Examination of blood sugar levels , according to Roy , is divided into two levels of fasting blood glucose and glucose tolerance test . If the fasting blood sugar test figure is less than 100 mg / dl person is found still in the normal category . While if the rate is above 100 and below 126 mg / dl , a person already in the category of prediabetes . And if the score was more than 126 mg / dl someone already had diabetes .
Meanwhile , for the glucose tolerance test , if the rate is less than 140 mg / dl person is found still in the normal category . While if the rate is above 140 and below 200 mg / dl , a person already in the category of prediabetes . And if the score was more than 200 mg / dl , a person has had diabetes .