Researchers Develop Vaccine for Diabetes Type 1

A group of Finnish researchers claim to have identified the virus and determine the cause of type 1 diabetes . The virus is composed of 5 different types of attacks strainenterovirus pancreas organ . This attack can cause the cells to the pancreas stops producing insulin then causes type 1 diabetes .

After tracking more than 100 strains , researchers from Tampere University states already have enough information to produce a vaccine that is effective in preventing diabetes .

" We 've identified a type of virus that carries the greatest risk . One type of vaccine can protect and give a positive effect , " said one researcher , Heikki Hyöty , who has worked more than 10 years to find the root cause of type 1 diabetes .

Type 1 diabetes is different from type 2 . Type 1 diabetes can not produce insulin . While type 2 is not able to respond to or produce insulin . Type 1 occurs when resistance becomes hyperactive and attacks the pancreatic beta cells . As a result , blood sugar can not be controlled and disrupt blood flow , as well as harm the nervous system and many organs such as the kidneys and heart . There is currently no cure for diabetes type 1 and 2 .

Although the number of cases only account for about 5 percent , type 1 diabetes affects 17 million people in the world . Generally , type 1 affects among children and adults .

Hyöty said , are now available for the prototype vaccine type 1 diabetes . So far the vaccine showed positive results when tested on mice . The next step is human trials .

Earlier in June, a vaccine that scientists believe can stop or slow the disease tested in young patients . Using a method that reverses the treatment , the vaccine demonstrated the ability lethal disease resistance system . Vaccine showed efficacy in controlling diseased cells .

Unfortunately , the team was hampered by funding problems that could not be met by the university as well as loans . " Funds to be our biggest problem . But because of this problem faced by the international community , we believe can handle it , "said Hyöty .

According to news agency Reuters , current , Tolerion biotechnology company based in California has purchased a license to the vaccine . Currently the company is in the process of extending research involving 200 patients for testing the vaccine .