Smell Urine Test for Cancer Detection

British scientists have created a device that can 'smell' of bladder cancer in urine samples. This tool uses sensors to detect the scent of a given urine when cancer is present.

Initial experiments showed that the results of this test tools provide accurate results. Of the 10 tests, 9 successfully detected correctly. The results of this study published in the journal PLoS One.

This tool was created by Prof. Chris Probert from Liverpool University and Professor Norman Ratcliffe of the University of the West of England.

"This tool reads aroma substances are released into urine sample when still warm," said Ratcliffe.

To test the ability of this instrument, the study using urine samples from 24 men who had bladder cancer. The urine samples of 74 other men did not have cancer. Recognized researchers, urine samples used in this research is still too little.

"We need a larger sample so that the tool can be used in hospitals," said Probert.

The same thing was said Dr Sarah Hazell of Cancer Research UK. According to him, although the truth of the test was 96 percent, the sample is still too small and only come from men.

"This trial is still early stage. We need more female and male urine samples to test this tool," said Hazell.

Even so, Hazell argues, is a very good step towards a safer cancer diagnosis. Moreover, each year approximately 10,000 people in the UK are diagnosed with bladder cancer