Recognize Signs of Mental Disorders in Children

As parents, we will soon know when disturbed child's physical growth. But most parents do not immediately realize if their baby had a mental disorder.

Emotional mental developmental disorder in children is different from that seen in adults. For example, depression in children usually appears in the form of behavioral irritability, restlessness, and easily cry.

Depressed teens are also generally withdraw from her friends and so more often in conflict with their parents. "The appearance of symptoms longer than in adults to be known as a depression," said Dr.Elizabeth Waterman, a clinical psychologist.

Children who suffer from anxiety also usually experience excessive anxiety, insomnia, and suddenly aloof.

The symptoms of other mental disorders emotional to watch include:

- Hyperactivity: difficulty concentrating, can not accomplish these tasks, sitting still or follow the rules.

- Change in schools: academic achievement decreased, often complain of stomach aches and headaches, making excuses not to go to school, and no change in behavior.

- Loss of interest in daily activities.

- Changes in sleep patterns: too much or less.

- Eating and exercise: no appetite or overeating, excessive exercise, taking laxatives, or brings back food.

- Increased fluctuations in mood and irritability.

- Impulsive: This is actually normal behavior in adolescents, but beware if your child starts taking alcohol, drugs, or driving vehicles recklessly.

- Excessive fear for no apparent reason.

- Feeling helpless and sad.

- Anxiety or panic attacks.

- Destroying stuff, breaking rules or injure animals.

- Talking about death, no zest for life, or thinking about suicide.

If you feel the child has any of these symptoms, consult your child bring professional (physician or psychologist) before you make your own conclusions. Will be given advice on what action should be performed.