Peptic Ulcer / Stomach Ulcer

Stomach ulcers or peptic ulcer (inflammation of the stomach wall) is an open wound that occurs in the lining of your stomach, upper small intestine or esophagus. The most common symptoms of this condition are abdominal pain. Bacterial infection or some medications are the cause of most stomach ulcers this. Peptic ulcer is a common disease. The good news is this condition can be cured.


Burning pain is a common symptom of stomach ulcers. Pain caused by ulcers or lesions are due to exposure to gastric acid wound area. The pain is usually in the form of:
• Pain in the navel to the breastbone
• The pain disappeared within a few minutes to a few hours
• Pain is worse when the stomach is empty
• Pain that worsens when night
• Often lost for a while by eating certain foods or drinking withstand gastric acid gastric acid-lowering drugs

Signs or symptoms are more severe among others:
• Vomiting blood
• blackened or dark blood in the stool
• Nausea or vomiting
• Loss of weight
• Changes in appetite

Causes & Risk Factors


Based on its location, stomach ulcers have different names:

• Gastric ulcer. Is a peptic ulcer that occurs in your intestines.
• duodenal ulcer. Is the kind that happened in the first part of the small intestine (duodenum).
• Esophageal ulcer. Usually located at the bottom of the esophagus. Often associated with chronic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

The cause of this condition is the most common bacterial infection of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). H. pylori live and multiply themselves in the mucus layer that coats and protects the stomach lining tissue and small intestine. Often H. pylori does not cause problems. But it can sometimes damage the lining of mucus and inflammation of the lining of the stomach makes or duodenum.

In addition to the bacteria H. pylori, other causes that can cause stomach ulcers, among others:
• The use of pain medication on a regular basis.
• Smoking.
• Excessive alcohol consumption.
• Stress.