Got Cervical Cancer or Not? Check The Symptoms Here

Pain due to cervical cancer symptoms are sometimes misinterpreted as part of the menstrual cycle pain. Well, consider these symptoms to be more aware of cervical cancer :

1. Abnormal Bleeding

Women who undergo cervical cancer generally experience abnormal bleeding from the vagina. Bleeding can be heavy or light bleeding that lasted for a month or more.

Note the time of your period, if the time period is longer than normal in the blood which is still a lot out, suspect a symptom of cervical cancer.

2. Excessive vaginal discharge

If there is excessive fluid in the vagina that smells foul, thick, or contain mucus should consult a doctor. It does vary from one woman to another, depending on the pathophysiology of the body. But when there is a suspicious whiteness, immediately consult a doctor.

3. Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain that is not related to the normal menstrual cycle can be a symptom of cervical cancer. This pain can be felt in minor scale to severe and lasts for hours.

4. When pain urinating

If the bladder pain or pain during urination, it could be a symptom of advanced cervical cancer. This usually occurs when the cancer has spread to the bladder.

5. Pain and Bleeding While Having Sex

Other symptoms of cervical cancer are emerging pain during sex and bleeding from intercourse. It is caused by irritation of the cervix during sex. In a healthy cervix, if it is very little bleeding.

In some cases, such as HIV because cervical cancer is caused by a virus. People who have many sexual partners are included in the group of people at high risk for cervical cancer.

Important Do

So what should be done to avoid this disease, either of Boldsky there are two ways to do:

1. Use Vaccines

There is a cervical cancer vaccine, but there are still many women who do not take it in fertile age (18-35). The vaccine is given as three times in a span of six months.

2. Pap smear tests

Women who are sexually active should do a pap smear once a year. Pap smear is done by taking a sample of cervical cells. Generally the test is performed 1-2 weeks after menstruation.

Advised on the first day before the test to not have sex and do not also washing the vagina with soap, gel, etc. because it can mess up the test results.

Another way that can be done to decide if there is cervical cancer is by examination of the cervix using a magnifying camera. So make sure you do not overlook these tests to decide the presence or absence of early cervical cancer. Remember, cervical cancer can be cured if detected early.