Breast Infection (Mastitis)

Mastitis is an infection of the breast tissue resulting in breast pain, swelling, heat and redness of the breast. If you have mastitis, you may experience fever and chills. Mastitis most commonly occurs in women who are breastfeeding (lactation mastitis), although in rare circumstances this condition can occur outside of lactation.

In many cases, lactation mastitis occurred during the first three months after birth, but this occurred after feeding. This condition can make you feel weary and tired, making it difficult to keep your child. When you have mastitis you can continue breastfeeding your child.


Signs and symptoms of mastitis may occur suddenly, among others:

• breast tenderness or a burning sensation when touched

• Pain is not feeling well

• Swelling of the breast

• Pain or burning sensation that continues or while breastfeeding

• Redness of the skin, often with a limited pattern

• Fever 38.3 Celsius or more

Although mastitis usually occurs in the early weeks of breastfeeding, it can occur at any time during the breastfeeding period. Lactation mastitis tends to affect only one breast and not both.

Causes & Risk Factors


Mastitis occurs when bacteria get into your breast through the nipple sores on the skin or enter through the hole milk from the nipples. The bacteria from the surface of the skin and mouth that entry can breed _ cause pain, redness and swelling of the breast as an advanced stage of infection.

Risk factors

Some things that can increase the risk of mastitis include:

• Injury or damage to the nipples, although mastitis can occur without damaged skin

• Mastitis ever before when breastfeeding - if you have experience of mastitis in the past, you are more likely to experience it again

• Using one position for breastfeeding, which may not be right for breastfeeding

• Using a tight bra, which can restrict the flow of milk


To be able to start feeding properly - and to avoid complications such as mastitis - consider to consult your health. Your health consultant can give you the tips and give valuable advice about proper breastfeeding techniques.

Reduce your chances of mastitis with milk drained from your breast while nursing. Allow your baby to spend the milk in one breast before switching to the other breast. If your baby is only briefly or not finished breast-feeding in the second, starting with the next breast while nursing.