AspireAssist - Weight Loss Equipment With Stomach Contents Disposal Method

AspireAssist - Scientists have recently discovered there is a new tool for people who want to lose weight quickly without having to abstain from eating much.

The tool is called AspireAssist. Tt works by suck food from the stomach before it can be absorbed by the body. Before using this tool, patients need surgery to put tubes in the stomach to be connected to the line outside the body.

Within about 20 minutes after eating, people who put this tool can empty the contents of his stomach again. AspireAssist just throw around a third of the food into the stomach. So the body is still receiving calories needed to move.

At trial in the U.S., the obese who use this device successfully lose weight by more than 20 pounds in just one year. AspireAssist now available in several European countries, but it is still undergoing trials in the United States and has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Actually, the experts have concerns about the use of this device. Testing of this device is still considered small and tight planning. Researchers also do not know whether the effect can be long-term.

"How do we know this is not the same as bulimia?" said Dr. Pieter Cohen, an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and a general internist at Cambridge Health Alliance, as reported by Live Science, Tuesday (15/01/2013).

Not only that, the experts also worry that this tool even more take the body needs food, not harm the body. If you can selectively suck junk food, then this may be a powerful tool. But if sucking a third intake of foods indiscriminately, it can be dangerous.

In addition, there are also other alternatives to address obesity by gastric bypass surgery. The principle is to cut the absorption of calories from food by intestinal surgery so that food can be directly through the stomach and small intestine.

Some experts say that gastric bypass surgery has the advantage of lower levels of hunger hormone, ghrelin. However AspireAssist seem to have no benefit.

"The device also has the potential to be abused. If people clear some stomach contents, they can be malnourished. Studies need to carefully test the device before we know what the benefits are," said Cohen.