Soft Drinks Not Just Trigger Obesity

Soft drinks allegedly not only have contributed greatly to the problem of obesity. Latest research consume a soft drink in large quantities, also lead to diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, even in those who are not overweight.

Teens who drink more than one can of soft drink, considered susceptible to diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Research that lasted for more than 20 years to 1,400 teens conducted by the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research in Perth, Western Australia, the underlying allegations.

The results, published The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition it mentions that the consumption of more than a can of sweetened beverages would lower the "good" cholesterol and raise "bad" cholesterol in the blood triglycerides. This condition does not only occur in children who are overweight, but also in those weighing "normal".

Reported by, Friday (07/06/2013), researchers say the risk of dying from heart disease (cardio-metabolic) increased in the teens drink more than a can of soft drink it as you age. "That drinks that contain lots of sugar increases the risk of obesity in young people already known. Thing new from this research is that excessive sugary drinks increase of type 2 diabetes and heart disease even in young children who are not overweight," said Gina Ambrosini, research leader who is also a senior researcher from the University of Western Australia.

While Wendy Oddy and Ambrosini, team researchers also said the findings suggest the importance of parents' role in monitoring the consumption of beverages that contain a lot of sugar by their children. "The consumption should be moderate. So if the kids drink a lot of sugary beverages, they should reduce it," said Oddy. He added that the water remains the best option.

"(Choice) parents must replace with drink less sugar content or drinks to diet," said Oddy. Raine Study research was started in 1989, involving 2,900 pregnant women, and the health of their children continue to be studied from birth until the age of 23 years. Research data analysis was conducted by the MRC Human Nutrition Research in Cambridge, England.