Knowing the Cause of Vaginal prolapse

Muscle tissue, ligaments, also the skin around the vagina is an organ of complex ancillary structures to keep the pelvic organs and tissues in place. The process of pregnancy and childbirth that too often can make the pelvic organs shift or lay called it "Vaginal prolapse" or "hernia".

In the medical world, vaginal prolapse. This condition occurs when the pelvic organs such as the uterus, bladder, rectum up, down into the vagina even out of the genital organs.

According dr.Ivan Here, Sp.OG, from RS Bunda Jakarta, vaginal prolapse occurs due to weakening of the muscles supporting the uterus that occurs due to the increase in weight of the uterus during pregnancy.

Uterine muscle weakening buffer itself is actually a natural process that occurs in a woman's body in order to facilitate the process of giving birth. "However, if the muscles are not back to normal postpartum, the uterus continues down to come out of the mouth of the vagina," he said.

There are several symptoms that could indicate the occurrence of the Vaginal prolapse, among others, felt there was something down in the vagina, feels like no bearing on the vagina, difficulty walking, bleeding, until it difficult to urinate or defecate.

Every pregnancy has a risk of vaginal prolapse. However, there are several types of high-risk pregnancies, which is as follows.

1. Multiple pregnancy

Pregnancy with two or more fetuses causes the uterus to be heavier. This causes the muscles supporting the uterus become weaker thus increasing the risk of vaginal prolapse.

2. The size of the baby

Almost the same as a twin pregnancy, the size of the baby causes the muscles supporting the uterus is getting weaker.

3. Long birth process

The process of birth is said to last long if more than 24 hours. When giving birth, the muscles supporting the uterus open and weakened, as a result if this process is too long will result in reduced muscle elasticity and more difficult to return to normal.

4. Pregnancy too often

The more frequent the more frequently pregnant uterine muscle buffer experiencing weakness and increase the risk of vaginal prolapse.

5. The use of a vacuum device

Vacuum device used to facilitate the process of discharge of the baby from the womb because of the complications specific things. But the vacuum tool can also interfere with the strength of the muscles supporting the uterus.

Ivan explained, need for postpartum compensation to strengthen the muscles supporting the uterus to prevent vaginal prolapse. One is the Kegel exercises that train the muscles directly.

"It's easy, can be done alone. You just stay pubic muscle control to close and hold it a few seconds with a minimum of ten repetitions. Perform every morning when it will start the activity," he said.

If it happens vaginal prolapse, vaginal repair is needed depending on the blackouts. Actions that can be done include uroginekologis, operation, and installation of sling or artificial barrier that is inserted into the urinary tract.