In addition to Calcium, Children's Bone Also Need Magnesium

New research shows whole grains, dark chocolate, salmon, and almonds are also important for bone health of children. These foods are rich in magnesium.

Research results are discussed in the annual meeting of the Pediatric Academic in Washington DC found that foods rich in magnesium have an important role in building bone.

Study Chairman Steven Abrams, a professor of pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston said, a lot of nutrients that are important for bone health of children, one of magnesium.

"Calcium is important, however, in children and adolescents with a chronic shortage of intake, calcium is not more important than magnesium," says Abrams.

Magnesium is known as an essential element for bone health for adults. But only few studies have examined the impact of magnesium intake on bone health of children.

In this study, the researchers enrolled 63 children aged four to eight years. These kids are not taking a multivitamin or mineral supplement any time involved in the research.

During the research, the children recorded the intake of food eaten. Then they were quarantined for two nights in order to get food with calcium and magnesium levels were measured.

During quarantine, their levels of calcium and magnesium were measured by using a technique called stable isotope. This technique is done by giving magnesium and calcium non-radioactive in children, intravenous and oral. Then the children undergo urine tests.

By measuring the stable isotopes in the urine, the researchers could determine how much calcium and magnesium is absorbed into the body. In addition, the researchers also measured the bone mineral density with X-ray techniques

Research shows that the amount of magnesium consumed and absorbed is a key predictor of how healthy the child's bones. However, calcium also significantly related to bone mineral density.

"We believe it is important for children to have a healthy diet and balanced, with a good source of minerals, including calcium and magnesium," said Abrams.