Proper Breathing Technique To Not Stress Easily

Working too hard often times make you feel choked and could not breathe. In fact, breathing properly is necessary for circulation and blood circulation in the body.

Quoted from Huffingtonpost, Monday (01/04/2013) The following are some ways to breathe can you do to relieve stress at work:

1. Breathing in the Morning

You can set the alarm 10 minutes before you get out of bed. Then, sit on the bed in a comfortable position and keep your eyes closed. With voice, drag and exhale from the belly. Do it repeatedly to get more comfort.

2. Your thoughts and suggestions are breathing

When traveling, driving or working at home remember to breathe. With a deep inhale, you can reduce the stress of the moment. Take a deep breath through your nose to the count of three, hold for a moment, and exhale to a count of three or more and think that you are in a state of peace.

3. Breathing the Anchor Position

Before starting the work, it helps if you set the tone for the day. Sit comfortably in a chair with the spine to enforce, given the state of relaxed in the shoulders and head aligned with the spine, as well as position the chin parallel to the floor. Then, place your right hand on your stomach. Take a deep breath to diaphragm and breathing.

4. Give your energy to Noon

By mid-day there was a lot of air that can be discarded. Sit upright in a chair, open your mouth and make a gasping noise with each inhalation and breathing then shut your mouth. Do this repeatedly for 10 seconds, stop and repeat again. But if you feel dizzy, stop.

5. Do not Forget, Close Your Day with Breathing

Having tired with all the work at the office, try this breathing technique to end the day. Sit in a chair with your spine straight and close your eyes. Focus on your spine. Start breathing with the stomach. You can use imagination and imagine the breath flow into every part of the body.