Not All Men Can Get The Benefits of Testosterone Gel

Testosterone gel is usually prescribed for men who have low testosterone levels. But a new study states, the use of testosterone gel on elderly men did not show improvement in flexibility, durability, as well as other general skills. Nonetheless, testosterone gel to keep giving small changes in muscle-fat ratio.

Testosterone in the form of a gel used to improve male sexual function that has begun to decline with age. Use of gel on the skin surface can help increase the supply of testosterone in the blood stream, after absorbing gel.

Recent studies involving men aged at least 60 who have low testosterone levels to normal. The researchers reported, it remains unclear influence long-term use of testosterone gel on elderly men.

Study chairman dr. Kerry Hildreth from the University of Colorado School of Medicine says, testosterone gel may be of benefit to some men, but it is not clear that the benefits of gel in healthy men. Either used alone or with a combination sports.

Testosterone gel, he added, is often used in men that are not appropriate to use it. And the gel was not beneficial as had been assumed.

Testosterone levels will decrease naturally to a man with age. To determine its usefulness in elderly men, the researchers used a testosterone gel approved food and drug watchdog United States (FDA), AndroGel.

The researchers conducted an experiment on 167 elderly men. Some participants were given a testosterone gel, while others were given a placebo. Participants were asked to do weight training three times a week, while others do not.

After the trial, the use of testosterone gel can reduce fat mass 900 mg and 900 mg increase muscle mass. While those who did not exercise experienced improvements in upper body strength with the use of testosterone gel for one year compared with those taking placebo.

Whereas in those who exercise, the use of testosterone gel does not provide any benefit. The researchers said regular exercise already has its own benefits for body composition improvement.

Hildreth said, the Adam should be careful in using testosterone gel again. Because its use can not provide significant benefits in health and physical abilities of men.