Air Pollution Causes Blood Vessel Hardening

Exposure to air pollution in the long term will accelerate the process of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. The condition will eventually lead to heart disease and stroke.

Conclusions are generated in a study involving 5,400 people aged 45-84 years in six cities in the United States who do not have heart disease.

The researchers measured levels of air pollution in any home and compare with hardening of the arteries by ultrasound measurements were carried out three years later. After comparing other factors, such as smoking, the researchers found increased arterial stiffness 0.014 millimeters each year due to air pollution.

Hardening of the two layers of the carotid artery that supplies blood to the head, neck, and brain, occurs more rapidly after exposure to high concentrations of air pollution.

The researchers said the hardening of the carotid artery is an indicator of how much arteriosclerosis occur throughout the body.

Other studies have mentioned people who live in areas with high air pollution are more at risk of stroke compared to those who live in areas with cleaner air.

On the other hand, decrease pollution exposure can help slow virgin hardening of the arteries.