Pregnant Women Vulnerable to Diabetes, Control the intake of food

Research suggests that pregnant women three times more at risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes commonly experienced by pregnant women is known as gestational diabetes. The disease is usually experienced by women who are pregnant at the age of 30 years.

In this age of pregnant women experience weight gain, whereas previously they had also overweight. According to experts, one month or one year after giving birth the mother will enter type 2 diabetes. Quoted from FoxNews, Monday (03/11/2013), about 5 to 6 percent, or about 240,000 pregnant women in the United States have gestational diabetes.

This is one of the complications that occurred during pregnancy, and almost all women will get this exam. Because if the mother's blood sugar is too high, it will make the fetus is too large so it could come more quickly or have to give birth by caesarean section.

Most doctors in the U.S. perform a two-step approach, but the current shift in the approach one step. This is done for comfort during the examination and reducing sugars early on.

The test as to whether it? Based on the two-step method, every pregnant woman drinking super-sweet liquid, then they did a blood test an hour later to see how the body processes sugar. Those who failed to repeat the test with a larger drink and a blood test for 3 hours. With one-step method, each person will get a test two hours.

Some doctors have tried this simple approach. "The Oregon Health & Science University start using it in the summer and twice in the case of gestational diabetes," said chairman of obstetrics, Dr. Aaron Caughey.

Medical Center call could not hurt to try because even women with mild diabetes can benefit from nutritional counseling and sometimes insurance coverage can not cover it unless there are clear diagnosis, "he said.

Kira Fonteneau is a pregnant woman who was found to have diabetes. Though he does not have excess weight. Although according to doctors, his diabetes was still light, but Kira still sad.

Armed with expert advice nutrition and do regular blood sugar checks, changing his diet, and reducing carbohydrates. That way he can be expected to live a better life.

"Knowledge is power, if you want to have a healthy baby," said Kira.

Now children Kira, named 2-year-old Sydney. The baby was born weighing 2.3 pounds in a healthy state. After delivery, Kira also can shrink with weight fast enough.

Diabetes is a disease that can not be underestimated. Because the disease is often cause other complications such as high blood pressure, babies born with low sugar, and it's possible the baby obese in childhood.