Fat in the Waist Make Men Vulnerable to Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis or porous bone, is a disease of bone that are vulnerable and are often experienced by women, especially women who have entered menopause. But recently, studies have shown that the disease can also affect men, especially if men have fat around the waist or commonly called the 'beer belly'.

Conclusions of recent studies of the North American Society for Radiology is obtained after the researchers looked at the condition of 35 men whose average age was 34 years. The average body mass index (BMI) is 36.5, which means they are almost all participants were obese.

After a CT scan to see muscle and fat mass, bone strength participants were analyzed, too. From there, researchers found that BMI and age do not affect the participants' bone strength, but another case with the fat in around the waist.

"If you are a man and have a bit of excess fat in around waist, this should be the trigger for you to start thinking that you are at risk of having high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis now," said one researcher Dr. Kevin Campbell is also heart specialists based in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.

"Whereas before he was ever associated with osteoporosis and this could be another reason to consider the men that they want to try to reduce the fat in waist circumference with increased age," he added, as quoted by FoxNews, Tuesday (05/03/2013).

Not to mention according to Campbell, after the age of 65 years, men will be more prone to hip fracture or broken bone age compared with younger men, but this condition can worsen if the man in question has a 'beer belly', even life-threatening.

To that end, Campbell encourages men to avoid the 'beer belly' by continuing to keep an eye on calorie intake, regular exercise and consult your doctor if you overdo accumulate fat in the waist.