Every Consume 7 gram fiber, Stroke Risk Falls 7 Percent

More and more studies have shown, the fiber contained in vegetables and fruits can prevent many health problems. Stroke for example, the risk dropped by 7 percent each time consume 7 grams of fiber. Do not hesitate, come to eat vegetables!

Scientists in the UK proves that in a recent study published in the journal Stroke. Research conducted over the past 20 years that reinforce the results of previous studies on the benefits of fiber in the daily diet.

This finding is important because at the present time more and more people eat vegetables and fruits. Easy and practical access to junk food or low-nutrient junk food makes people not want to be bothered to cook vegetables or just buy the fruit.

Although proving that every 7 grams of fiber may reduce the risk of stroke by 7 percent, of course, the advice of experts is not enough to just 7 grams of fiber each day. The need fiber in humans is much greater because the fiber is also important for the digestive system.

"Total dietary fiber intake should reach 25-30 grams a day of food, but average Americans only meet half of that amount," said Victoria Burley from the University of Leeds who conducted the study as quoted by AP on Saturday (30 / 3/2013).

Prompts are not hard to remember the source of fiber in the diet everyday is quite diverse and easy to obtain. For example, the avocado contains 13 grams of fiber each fruit, nuts contain 16 grams of fiber per cup, and even popcorn contains 4 grams of fiber per 3 cups.

In relation to stroke, heart in fiber can help control blood cholesterol levels. Fiber-insoluble fiber will also inhibit absorption of nutrients, including cholesterol so that the cholesterol into the body can be more limited.