10 Most Dangerous Disease in Children

In the development of technology and the knowledge of modern medicine has found many ways to prevent the occurrence of disease, particularly the invention of modern technology vaccinations. However, despite abundant variety of immunization in children to prevent dangerous diseases, it is still dangerous diseases in children threatening some of the children in the world.

This happens because the immunization program has been undertaken by various countries in the world can not run as desired due to various factors. The main cause of non-performance of the immunization program is low awareness and knowledge society, especially in developing countries about the importance of immunization. Especially at this time, some particular group was heavily black or black campaign on immunization campaign.

Here are 10 Most Dangerous Disease In Children

1. Breath Tract Infections Down

Deadly diseases in the modern world is a lower respiratory infection. Lower respiratory tract infections including pneumonia, bronchitis and so on. It's hard to believe but in fact lower respiratory tract infections far exceeded the number of deaths around the world to AIDS and malaria. Mortality: More than 4 million deaths every year.


Incidence: Approximately 39.4 million people living with AIDS. HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, does nothing more than erode a person's immune system, rendering the patient susceptible to other infections. AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, is usually followed by an 8 to 15 years unless the patient is receiving treatment. Often, the patient died from pneumonia after infection with TB or AIDS. The death rate: 3 million deaths per year

3. Malaria

The incidence: 300-515000000 people diagnosed cases each year, most of which are in Africa. Malaria is transmitted by the world's deadliest animals known to man: the female anopheles mosquito. In fact, even malaria can not be transferred through physical contact, but it still accounts for millions of deaths worldwide every year. Statistics show that every 30 seconds a child dies of malaria in Africa. Mortality: 1-5 million deaths each year.

4. Diarrhea

Infection rate: 4 billion cases diagnosed annually. Diarrhea in children is often caused by ritavirus. The other causes of diarrhea  is cholera, dysentery, and a host of other bacterial infections such as microscopic worms. Diarrhea could be cured if treated early. Most diarrhea-related deaths, particularly in children, associated with dehydration. The death rate: Approximately 2.2 million deaths each year.

5. Tuberculosis

Incidence: 2 billion people diagnosed with TB each year. TB kills millions of people every year. Fact: 1/3 of the world population infected. But even with all these facts, new TB cases are still being diagnosed from year to year. As if people do not really care anymore about contracting the disease. TB symptoms include chills, fever, chronic cough, weakness, and weight loss. It is highly contagious, and can spread through sneezing and coughing. It is no doubt one of the most deadly diseases in the world in terms of mortality. Mortality: 2 million deaths each year

6. Measles.

Incidence: More than 30 million people, mostly children, infected every year. Measles can be easily cured but deadly if left untreated. This disease occurs primarily in children, especially in developing countries such as Africa and some in Asia, but the measles virus can infect even adults. Measles can cause brain damage, blindness, and leave children vulnerable to diarrhea and pneumonia. The death rate estimated 1,400 people die from measles every day

7. Whooping cough

The incidence: 20 to 40 million cases diagnosed each year. Whooping cough, or pertussis is a highly lethal disease. It is highly contagious and, once a person is infected, the disease can cause a number of acute respiratory disease in a person. What looks like a common cold could kill you. Whooping cough can be treated with antibiotics, but the vaccine is still the way to go for optimal immune response. Mortality: 200,000 to 300,000 deaths each year.

8. Tetanus

The incidence in the world: 500,000 cases diagnosed each year. Tetanus easily beat meningitis and syphilis with high rates of infection and deaths. You see, clostridium tetani spore-tetanus-living bacteria in the soil, and so present everywhere. Something as simple as a small cut or wound can infect you with the disease a few days after coming in contact with dirty surfaces. Countries in Southeast Asia and Saharan Africa bear the burden of the disease by 82 000 and 84 000 deaths per year, respectively, although the tetanus infection can be found all over the world. Mortality: 214,000 deaths each year.

9. Infection of the lining of the brain (meningitis)

A bacterium that can cause meningitis. 9 deadly diseases in the modern world is the common meningitis. Infection rate: More than 1 million people contract some form of meningitis every year. Meningitis is one of the most deadly diseases in the world, not only in terms of mortality, but in life as well as a full recovery. Fatal infection include brain and spinal cord regions. Even with early diagnosis and prompt treatment, 5 to 10 percent of patients who remained infect is not helped. Only about 10 to 20 percent of patients who have recovered suffered from hearing loss, brain damage, or learning disabilities. Mortality: 174,000 deaths each year.

10. Diphtheria.

The disease is caused by bacteria, including dangerous and soul immediately bragged in children. Signs and symptoms just fever and sore throat begins and white speckling in throat. But if not treated quickly can immediately life-threatening because it can clogs the airways and attacking heart that will be a life-threatening because of that complications.