
Acne, facial blemishes, pimples, or whatever you call it, can be a source of distress and interfere with self-confidence. Wounds caused by acne can be cured slowly and when one of them began to overcome other acne will occur.

Hormones can cause acne. It is more common in adolescence. But basically everyone at all age levels can have acne. Some adult women have acne because of hormones that occurs when the pregnancy, menstrual cycle, or when you start or stop taking birth control pills.


Acne can grow on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders, depending on which area of ​​high oil production. Acne can be shaped as follows:

• Blackheads (white and black)
Occurs when the pores closed and deadlocked due to oil, dead skin cells and sometimes by bacteria.

• Papules
Incurred a blemish on the skin surface due to inflammation and infection in the pores. Papules can be a smooth reddish skin.

• Postules
Is a red stain that arise on the skin surface and there is pus in the end.

• nodules
Is a large stain, hard, painful lump under the skin surface. These lumps are formed by piles of sweat or oil clogged.

• Cysts
Cysts feels sore and a lump of pus under the skin surface. Infection will make it boil that can damage the skin.

Causes & Risk Factors


There are three factors that cause acne:

a. Excess oil production
b. Excessive dead skin cells will cause irritation to the pores.
c. Growth of bacteria on the skin

Acne occurs when skin pores clogged by oil and dead skin cells. This blockage can cause bumps on the pores and blackheads that become white. Alternatively, the blockage can be open at the skin surface and darken and become black blackheads.

Acne will cause red spots with white centers that grew when the clogged pores become inflamed and infected. Closing and this inflammation occurs in the pores of the skin that produce lumps beneath the surface of the skin called cysts.

It is not known what causes the increased production of oil that causes acne. But some things - hormones, bacteria, certain medical treatments and heredity - play a role.

Acne is not caused by dirt. In fact, scrubbing the skin too hard or cleansing with harsh soaps or other chemicals will irritate the skin and can cause acne to get worse. Skin cleansing is simply to remove the oil and dead skin cells is necessary.

Risk factors

Hormonal changes in the body can trigger or aggravate acne. These changes are common in:

• Adolescents, both male and female
• Women and girls, in two to seven days before the menstrual period
• Pregnant women
• People who use certain medical treatments, including cortisone is

Other risk factors included were:

• Use direct oily substance on the skin, or the use of certain cosmetics directly to the skin.
• Note in the family - if your parents had acne, then chances are you will also have acne.
• Friction or pressure on the face caused by a variety of objects, such as telephone or mobile phones, helmets, tight collars and backpacks.


When you experience acne improved or lost, you can continue with medical treatment or other treatment to prevent new acne. Ask your doctor about how you can prevent new acne. You can also prevent new acne self-care measures such as cleaning your skin with a gentle cleanser and avoid touching the affected areas.

Other tips to prevent acne are:

• Clean the area of ​​skin that has acne tendencies will occur two times a day. Cleaning the skin will remove excess oil and dead skin cells. However, if too many can make skin irritation. Clean the skin with a gentle cleanser and use free of oil content. Use skin care products that are water.

• Use acne removal cream or gel to help keep dry skin from excess oil. Use products that contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as the active ingredient.

• Avoid heavy foundation makeup. Use cosmetics cream as a base before powder cosmetic use.

• Clean makeup before bed. Sleeping with cosmetics that are still attached to the skin can clog skin pores. Be sure to not use old cosmetics clean your cosmetic tools regularly with soapy water.

• Avoid tight clothing. Tight clothing can keep heat and moisture and can cause irritation to the skin. Avoid rope / rubber, backpacks, helmets or sports equipment tight to prevent pressure on the skin.

• Take a bath after exercise or after doing heavy work. Oil and sweat on the skin can withstand dirt and bacteria.


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