Be Careful With Gluten-Free Diet

Gluten is a type of protein in processed foods made ​​from wheat and other grains. Gluten should be avoided by those who suffer from wheat allergies or celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that damages the intestine.

A gluten-free diet is usually recommended for people with autism. However, now developing a diet that avoids all foods containing gluten. Gluten-free diet is generally done after they develop symptoms tired, bloating, or feeling depressed (depression).

Gluten-free diet was based on a personal diagnosis, not based on physician judgment. Nutritionist Katherine Tallmadge wrote in LiveScience, Friday (28/6), the gluten-free diet does not have to do all of those. Of the whole population, only about 1 percent of people at risk of suffering from celiac disease and must avoid gluten. For most people, it is highly recommended consumption of gluten.

"A lot of people after a gluten-free diet to feel better or losing weight. In fact, the feeling that arises because they reduce your calorie intake by reducing processed foods made ​​from wheat. No association with gluten. "

Tallmadge wrote, those who do the gluten-free diet, although not suffer from celiac disease, may experience a shortage of essential nutrients, such as iron, folic acid, niacin (vitamin B3), thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, vitamin B12, and phosphorus and zinc (zinc).

Therefore, a gluten-free diet should be done only if recommended by a doctor after the discovery of wheat allergy symptoms. If no symptoms and no doctor's advice, it is recommended that the consumption of gluten