Do This Treatment After Postnatal

During pregnancy, you must have experienced various physical and mental changes, such as weight gain, fingers and toes become swollen, emotions were up and down.

"When pregnant, you will often experience aches and shortness of breath," said Dr. Dara Ardiansjah, SpOG, current pregnancy seminar in Jakarta some time ago. He added that this condition only occurs during pregnancy only, and disappeared soon after giving birth.

It's just to get back all the excellent body condition and body shape as before pregnancy, you should do a variety of treatment after delivery. "This treatment is highly recommended for new mothers because in addition can restore body shape, can also help to harmonize the relationship of husband and wife," he added.

1. Puerperium
You must have known that the puerperium is a "ritual" to do after giving birth. In the puerperal period, you and your partner have sex fasting for six months. Dr. Dara reveals that Lent is done to avoid the occurrence of infection or bleeding in the female sex organs.

"After giving birth, female sex organs need time off to restore flexibility. When there is penetration, could face the infection," he explained.

After delivery, there is still bad blood that must be removed. When there is an infection, this will be bad blood exposed to the bacteria that cause bad odor.

2. Diet
Diet is not only recommended for those who want to lose weight, but also for those of you who just gave birth. The difference lies in the need and the type of food intake your body needs.

After giving birth, you are encouraged to eat foods that are high in protein, iron, calcium, and fiber. The recommended calorie intake of 2700 calories a day range. "Usually after giving birth, the mother will experience hemorrhoids.'s Why it is recommended to consume a lot of fiber so fast hemorrhoids disappear," he said.

In addition to food intake, you are also advised to consume lots of fluids. He recommends that you drink at least three liters of water and two liters of milk every day.

3. Care crotch
Crotch or perineum is a membrane barrier between the vagina and anus. During delivery, this membrane will be widened to help the birth canal. In fact there is also the possibility that it will be torn crotch. So during pregnancy, mothers are advised to do the crotch massage.

Not only were treated during pregnancy, crotch also be treated after childbirth to shrink the blood vessels in the membrane. There are several ways to take care of him, ie with cold water compresses, using pads and tight underwear, as well as Kegel exercises.

"Mothers who choose to wear a lot of loose pants in the hope of helping to cure pain after childbirth. Fact should, mom just wear tight underwear and pads. Bandages and tight underwear will hit in the crotch so the wound can heal faster , "he advised.

4. Hormones and emotions
Hormonal and emotional changes pregnant women and childbirth is very easy to change. This is because the post-partum blues, lack of sleep, fatigue while taking care of the baby and others. Therefore, after the birth you also need time to care for themselves aka me time. Do things that make you happy like to spa, to the salon, shopping, and hanging out with friends.