Sunlight Good for Your Heart

Sunlight is often the enemy of the people who do not want their skin to look dull, especially women. However, recent research reveals that the benefits of exposure to sunlight is very good for health, especially for the heart.

Research conducted by Edinburgh University, shows that sunlight helps to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of various diseases, such as heart attack and stroke, as quoted by the BBC, Friday (10/05/2013).

Heart disease and stroke linked to high blood pressure. It is estimated these diseases lead to death 80 times more numerous than the deaths from skin cancer in the UK.

Ultraviolet (UV) found in sunlight is also believed to release a compound that is capable of lowering blood pressure. This compound called nitric oxide or nitric oxide. These compounds are separated from the process of making vitamin D in the body, where the process will be increased upon exposure to sunlight.

During the study, the dermatologist noted blood pressure 24 respondents under exposure to sunlight and light. The results showed that blood pressure decreased significantly after respondents exposed to UV light for 1 h. However, respondents' levels of vitamin D had no significant changes during the observation process.

"Based on these findings, we can say that the benefits of sunlight on the heart more than the risk of developing skin cancer," said Dr. Richard Weller, a senior does well dermatologist from Edinburgh University.

"The consumption of vitamin D supplements alone will not be able to compensate for the lack of sunlight. For that we recommend for the occasional outdoor activities in the morning because the benefits are good for the body," said Dr. Weller.

Keep in mind to keep limiting excessive sun exposure, especially between 12 and 15 at noon. Should be out of the house at 7 to 9 am.