Panic Disorder, Can it Healed?

As a psychiatrist which deals with patients who complain of psychosomatic, I often get a few cases of patients with recurrent condition. Patients with psychosomatic complaints mostly constituted by Panic Anxiety Disorder often have real physical complaints.

Some patients ask, what exactly is that conditions are not either fully, or relapse was never able to recover? Some examples below may help us understand more what happens in patients with panic disorder.

Case 1

Men aged 31 years with symptoms of panic attack symptoms recur when treatment comes first. Patients say often feel a sudden he was in the uncomfortable conditions. Heart pounding and often perceived to be short of breath. Also experienced an uneasy feeling, but sometimes difficult to explain his point. Patients often find it difficult to control herself during a panic attack coming.

These conditions affect the patient in the company and eventually made treatment. When medication and therapy patients feel an improvement, although not entirely good. Therapy is done to patients using SSRI class of antidepressant medications to make patients feel more able to control his panic when complaints come in, but they are not at all able to shake the feeling of anxiety when the condition came again.

Supportive psychotherapy is also given to patients during consultations. The patient is then able to complete treatment at month 5. Six months later, the patient was complaining often go back and start trouble controlling his mind from thinking too much about the disease. The patient felt he relapsed despite first symptoms actually felt much reduced at this time, and even if they do not make the patient appear to lose control.

Patients were asked if he relapses? Or this condition can not be completely lost?

Case 2

Women aged 28 years with complaints of sudden heart pounding and often find it difficult to control themselves when they're in the crowd. Patients feel negative thoughts about the disease that may be suffered is often difficult to control if the complaint came panic. Patients often flipping Internet sites revealed the complaints that are considered similar to the complaints that happened.

Thoughts of heart disease or severe disease still haunts despite treatment to three different heart specialist to confirm his complaint. Patients began treatment when they have developed complaints of intense panic attacks without any obvious trigger. When patients receive treatment with the SNRI drug class, patients feel better. Unfortunately the treatment was stopped after a month of taking the drug. About 3 months later the patient came back with the same complaints and finally decided to seek treatment on a regular basis.

Complaints although not entirely disappear after drug administration again. One of the things that still bother the patient are the thoughts of heart disease and serious illness will be experienced have not disappeared despite the patient's symptoms were much reduced. Patients were asked whether grievances and feelings would really be lost?


I have dealt with cases of panic disorder since I started opening Psychosomatic Clinic at OMNI Hospital where I work now. Nearly 80 percent of the cases handled by us is indeed a case of psychosomatic disorders on the basis of anxiety disorders panic or anxiety disorders overall.

Both of the above cases are examples of some of the cases that are often experienced by patients with panic disorder. One of the frequently asked what exactly they were massive complaints that they would naturally be healed completely. Patients often feel why the complaint can recur despite doctor's advice to apply the treatment to completion has been done. Panic disorder is an anxiety disorder that often have a relapse. Almost more than 50 percent of cases of anxiety panic disorder may experience a recurrence or relapse even if treated well.

This is caused by differences in factor structure of the brain and nervous system of every person is different. However, many were healed completely as never experienced panic at all. Most cases of recurrence was experienced by patients who have a background retentive personality (including the type A personality, obsessive compulsive personality traits).

I once wrote that one of the main objectives in the handling of cases of panic disorder is the patient's ability to control himself (self-control). So although the symptoms of panic come back later, the patient was able to control himself and passed it with good condition. This is one of the goals of therapy as well as improve the system of the brains of patients with antidepressant use. At the final destination, patient self-control of the condition of the body and mind plays an important role in improving the symptoms of panic disorder.